
As part of CIFT, we carry out a number of both routine and more complex analyses for academic, government and industrial clients. Our most popular analyses are fatty acid profiles, accurate analysis of EPA and DHA, and determination of oxidation products (peroxide and anisidine values) in a variety of sample types, including marine mammal blubber, fish, phytoplankton, and edible oils. We also have experience with method development to address new problems and challenges in analysis. For all work, we offer very competitive pricing. Contact us or see our CIFT website for more details.

Fatty Acid Profiles
Academic and industrial clients are often interested in fatty acid composition expressed as mass proportions of total fatty acids. We normally use a routine procedure consisting of an initial extraction based on the classic Folch et al. (1957) method, followed by an acid-catalyzed derivatization method to form fatty acid methyl esters for analysis by gas chromatography flame ionization detection. We also employ a number of modified methods for specific sample types. For instance, for phytoplankton samples, we often use a direct procedure, combining extraction and derivatization in a single step.

Accurate Analysis of EPA and DHA
Nutraceutical fish oil producers require accurate determination of the quantities of two specific fatty acids, EPA and DHA, in their products. We follow the method set out by the Global Organization for EPA and DHA (GOED) analysis to provide the appropriate data.

Determination of Oxidation Products
These analyses are also principally focused on nutraceutical oils. Peroxide value provides the concentration of hydroperoxides, indicators of initial stages of oxidation, while anisidine value provides information about the development of aldehydes, indicators of secondary oxidation. Both of these analyses are performed following official methods of the American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS).